Put Your Back Back Back Into It: Ladies… Home Run Derby Liveblog 2012

If you can’t be in Kansas City tonight, LIKE MISS MINDA (JEALOUS! But we still love you to bits!), hanging out with the rest of us Ladies… is the next best thing. So come on back to the blog at 7:30 EST, pour a glass of wine and snark with us at our annual Home Run Derby Liveblog. We’re trying a new host this time around, over at G-Snap, so you may need to bear with us as we get used to the new platform. If all goes well, we’ll be G-Snapping our way through the All-Star Game Tuesday and the London Olympics as well. Let us know what you think of it, eh?

Here’s the link: http://gsnap.com/ladiesdotdotdot/4338

See you tonight! GO CANO!

Congrats are in order…

This week’s post is a bit more of a Hit and Run, but I figured with all of the hype around the All Star break, mayyyybe we should mention the fact that SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP!!! Congrats to España, and also to Big Papi, who somehow managed to be pitted against Hanley Ramwhinerez and beat him in the final round of this year’s Home Run Derby 11-5.

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The Ladies …go (All) Star Gazing

Albert will be there.  Probably doing this.

Albert will be there. Probably doing this.

The All-Star break is fast approaching, but the Ladies aren’t just going to hang out at home like all the non-selected players.  Well, we are, but we’re also going to be at our computers bringing you not one, but two liveblogs: the Home Run Derby Monday night, and the All-Star Game itself Tuesday.  Make sure you bookmark our new Liveblog Central page — better yet, head on over there now and sign up to receive an email reminder in case your weekend gets a little out of control.

There will be baseball, there will be friendly wagering, there will be much mocking of Berman and McCarver on the appropriate days.   We’ll be using Cover It Live, so our lovely, witty commenters can join in on the fun.  Come on, you know you’re watching it anyway.  Why not watch it with us?

Were Baaaacckkkk!

Today is the second day in March. February, the most dreaded of all months (sportswise) has officially ended. And while Spring is on the horizon, the weather in the Northeast (and even in the South) refuses to cooperate and has mean-spiritedly dumped inches of snow all over the place.  However, we here at the Ladies… have piled on our parkas and snowboots and will trudge through the slush to give you what you have all been missing: US!

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The HR Derby & Josh Hamilton: Ultimate Redemption

Well, my guy may not have won the final prize, but there’s no doubt that last night, Josh Hamilton owned Yankee Stadium.  I’m not going to bore anyone with the umpteenth retelling of his sordid, drug-soaked past.  Instead, I just want to congratulate him (yeah, I know he’s not reading this, but humor me) in coming this far, and wish him much luck in the future.  And of course, onto the pics!

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