Tweets from ‘letes

I’ll admit that I’m not very big in to Twitter – I’m not sure why, but it either feels like homework, or I end up feeling like I’m a little too self absorbed to really believe that my 61 followers truly care how I felt about that pizza sliceor what the weather is like in Manhattan from the window near my cubicle.  After being reminded a few dozen times that today was apparently the 5th birthday of the little blue bird who started it all, I decided to pay closer attention to what’s out there and who’s tweeting.  Newsflash, did you know that nearly everyone tweets? Jeez! Even if I did follow it, how do you sift through the crap  and find some damn information?

I did, however, find a few nuggets of gold in this river of 140-character-or-less overflow, and do you know where I found them coming from? Athletes! Not only are athletes on Twitter, but they’re often freaking hilarious! This gave me an idea for something new that I’d like to try, and I definitely need reader feedback. Introducing the first ever edition of the Ladies…Tweets from ‘letes!

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