Well call me Princess Peach…

Mario Williams signed to a 6 year 100 million dollar deal (50 million guarantee) with the Buffalo Bills. Record-breaker for a defensive player!! Can you tell that I’m (along with the rest of Buffalo) excited??!

So I’m probably jumping the gun. But after the potential excitement of the Bills courting Robert Meachem only to hear soon thereafter that he signed a four year deal with the Chargers has made me a tad overly optimistic.  Super Mario, please get on up here and help save the castle from Pokey Peyton and his potential Dolphins and Bowser Brady before the Bills go another ten years without a playoff appearance!!

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About buffalita

Formerly of Buffalo and Rochester and now of NYC, I am an extremely loyal Buffalo Bills and Sabres fan since birth. I *used* to support the Yankees, but Mr. Buffalita has since showed me the err of my ways and has converted me (almost fully) to a Mets fan. Come on, you think I would have had Mr. Met at our wedding otherwise? Feel free to drop me a line at buffalitanyc@gmail.com for story requests, tips, or photos you'd like to share!

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