Hump Day Hottie: NFL Wild Card Playoffs

Well, it’s finally here: Playoff Time!  This is when you separate the men from the boys.  Well us Ladies are separating the hotties from the not-so hotties.  Take a trip with me after the jump to see some hotties playing in the Wild Card match-ups this weekend.

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Advent Calendar of Hotness: Day 14

You wouldn't know it from the photo, but this was taken on Christmas 2005. I was at the game and it was probably Kyle's best as a Raven.

No guessing games from me this time.  Kyle Boller is our hottie of the day.  I’ve been in love with this man since the day he was drafted by the Ravens.  He may suck at football, but he sure is nice to look at.  He’d be even hotter if he stopped dating skanks. 

More Kyle Boller prettiness after the jump.

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