Frozen Four: Boston College

The Boston College Eagles take on the ND Sioux at 6 pm tonight.  Go Fightin’ Sioux!  (Sorry, but I go to Notre Dame and I’m contractually obligated to hate BC.  That’s just how it goes.)

However, they are not devoid of hotties.  In fact, they have quite a few lookers.  So without further ado, here is the BC All-Hottie Team:

Anthony Aiello, junior, defense, 6’1, 195 lbs

Mike Brennan, senior, defense, 6’0, 209 lbs

Tim Filangieri, junior, defense, 6’1, 210 lbs

Carl Sneep, sophomore, defense, 6’3, 205 lbs

Pat Gannon, senior, forward, 5’6, 165 lbs

Matt Greene, senior, forward, 5’8, 180

Brock Bradford, junior, forward, 5’9, 175 lbs

Matt Lombardi, sophomore, forward, 5’11, 188 lbs

Matt Price, sophomore, forward, 5’9, 180 lbs

12 thoughts on “Frozen Four: Boston College

  1. i hate boston college because it makes me think of brian gionta and i hate brian gionta right now. i guess by that logic i also hate north dakota.

  2. LA, of all those cuties, you pick Tim F? Gee him, Drew Neitzel – methinks we have a pattern here for you!!!

    Me, I’ll take Mr’s Greene and Gannon

  3. I’m with you LA, go Fighting Sioux! It seems like every year the Eagles knock Miami out of the tourney. Damn you BC!!!

    However, I would not decline the opprotunity for hate sex with the lovely Aiello.

  4. Aiello looks like he would do bad, bad things to you.

    Drew Neitzel is alllll SA’s guy. I think he’s okay, but I’m not a huge fan.

    Tim F. looks like if he just smiled, he’d be super-cute.

  5. Finally – more B.C. haters I can join! My reasons have to do with basketball and the way they treated certain people, but having graduated from B.U., it could be hockey-related as well. Unfortunately, I am not immune to the touseled hair and sweet smile of sophomore Matt Lombardi.

  6. I hate BC for many, many reasons, such as having an M.S. from BU, being a UConn fan, their leaving the Big East, not being able to park on my street during football games, the way they actually started caring about basketball when they left the Big East…

    Those players make me go eh.

  7. Tim Filangieri reminds me of Jay Bouwmeester: The early years. Back when he was about 16 and playing for Medicine Hat.

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