Hump Day Hottie: Scott Podsednik

On the occasion of his return from the DL over the weekend, let’s take a closer look at hottie White Sox leftfielder Scott Podsednik.

Scott is beautiful. Let’s just get that out of the way up front. He’s from the tiny little town of West, Texas (which, oddly enough, is in Central Texas), so he has a charming soft Texas drawl. He’s also fast- he turned down several scholly offers to run track (including the University of Texas), and instead headed straight to the minors. He worked his butt off for nine years in the farm systems, and finally broke through to The Show in 2003 with that trademark speed… earning him the fans’ vote as Rookie of the Year. He’s been injury prone his whole career, but always bounced back… and thank goodness for that. He’s a humble, small-town country boy who’s made good- and if he wasn’t so damned cute, I couldn’t have forgiven him for that walkoff-HR against Lidge in the ’05 World Series.

Welcome back from the DL, Scotty- thanks for restoring the heat to LF at the Cell.

Tons more lovely Scott goodies after the jump (including video)…

A couple of really cute pics from after Scott’s HR in the 05 Series

And… eye black

BONUS! Video footage of Scott being interviewed in the locker room during spring training this year. The accent is lovely…

This entry was posted in Chicago White Sox, Hump Day Hottie, MLB, Texas Gal by Texas Gal. Bookmark the permalink.

About Texas Gal

Pitched four years for the Philadelphia Athletics, and then played shortstop for seven years for the Montreal Expos. Taught Rickey Henderson to steal a base. Taught Nolan Ryan to throw a punch. Taught Mickey Mantle to drink a beer. Threw one seven-hitter and seven no-hitters. Wonderboy was my creation, and first Jobu shrine was in my locker. Often called "the next Dustin Pedroia". Always wear high socks and eyeblack. Prefer to slide headfirst.

35 thoughts on “Hump Day Hottie: Scott Podsednik

  1. Texy…why do I look at your posts while at work? My productivity just plunged.

    One day soon I expect to see the Texas Gal Institute for the Study and Advancement of Baseball Ass erected in Texas. And I will immediately sign up for classes.

  2. In an attempt to see as many baseball games as possible during the season, I have been to more White Sox games than I would like to admit this year (Seriously – quota filled for any Southside activities for 2007). However, Scottie never disappoints. That smile makes the Cell seem brighter, every time I go. Thanks for making my morning.

  3. I love the crinkly-upon-smiling eyes. He’s got good ones. Now, I just need a picture of him crinkly-eyed in eye black.

  4. As a not gay guy, I’m going to pass on the discusison of Posednik’s hotness, but I will enter the discussion of his baseballness.

    Texy are you a ‘Stros fan? If so, I find this selection a little curious as I am of the opinion that it was actually Scott Pod’s HR in the Series and not the Pujols moon shot in the NLCS that ruined Lidge.

  5. Was. I finally ended both our miseries and officially divorced them this year. I had been pretending to be a part of that relationship for awhile, but the spark was gone between us long ago.

    And I totally agree- the Pods HR opened up a giant gaping hole in “Lights Out” Lidge’s confidence… and then the Pujols HR cauterized the wound, to stay open forever.

  6. As a southsider I love you for this since now the Sox have finally given me something to smile about…since not much else has with this team. I absolutly love scotty pods and the eight weeks he was gone was killing me. Thank goodness for Pods.

  7. wow… , thanks for posting that link. I’d seen that commercial during the Dodgers game last week and thought it was sooo cool. Was actually looking for it online.

  8. Jordan- one of my best buds here in Chicago is in mourning over the Sox this year. In order to distract herself, she bought a Brewers tshirt to wear around, until the madness has passed.

    Raskol- I know, I know.

  9. Whoooa…bacon pants and podsednik together is almost too much. Almost. Those are some nice butt shots though…very nice. Although i just can’t get into the black stickers instead of the paint/marker. Its too clean looking!

  10. ChiTown- it’s because they’re so dark. And thick. Not quite to the B&T levels of Dwright, though.

    iheart- I know! That commercial is awesome because: (a) tons of hotties, (b) Andruw Jones is in there, which is hilarious.

  11. Texas Gal-
    I have questioned the sox all year so tell your friend it’s okay we’ll forgive her and welcome her back openly considering what we had to deal with last weekend (lol!), I had to come back though. It was great going to Scotty’s first game back, though now that he has shaved his head I will have to ask him what is with that when I see him. The info. I posted last week changed.

    Scotty will be in Naperville, Il on July 29th for a signing.

  12. It was amazing on Saturday when everyone realized that he was back since he wasn’t do back until Monday. Everyone went nuts everytime he came up to bat. He was our only bright spot during that game.

    I still can’t believe he is almost bald today!

  13. good. I don’t feel as bad now. Now that mikey b. is gone there seems to be no cubs that can look that cute. Theriot and DeRosa are pretty hot though but nobody can ever replace michael’s butt.

  14. @chitowntiger: They’re no scarier than Rex Grossman’s.

    Drunk Rex Grossman pictures always kill me.

  15. With one week off the DL Scotty finds himself back on it with a strained rib muscle. Scotty why do you have to do this to us all the time?

  16. Pingback: re: The Auditors » Blog Archive » The “Last Out” May Come From Left Field…

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