Hanukkah Hunks: Night 7

As we come closer to the end of the Festival of Lights, I realized that I had gone an entire six nights without any adorable Jewish hockey players!  To make up for that oversight, I give you Trevor Smith.

Trevor Smith, formerly of the NY Islanders, was recently signed over the summer by the Anaheim (mighty) Ducks and currently plays for their AHL affiliate team, the Syracuse Crunch.  He plays center, and he is adorable.  Not much else to know, but then again, not much else needs to be known.

Actually, I lie – there is more to know.  He played in college at the University of New Hampshire and was signed, not drafted, by the Islanders in 2007.  He has gone up and down from the Bridgeport Sound Tigers and the Islanders with a stint for the Utah Grizzles between 2007 and 2010 until Anaheim picked him up to help strengthen their AHL team.  Hope to see him back on the NHL ice soon!

Gotta love the scruff!

So good with fans too!  Lucky girl!! And come on, he’s in a suit, so you know I’m happy…


Tune in tomorrow night for the conclusion of the holiday and a new favorite from the soccer world!

This entry was posted in Anaheim Ducks, Buffalita, Hanukkah Hunks, hockey, Hockey Hotties, NHL by buffalita. Bookmark the permalink.

About buffalita

Formerly of Buffalo and Rochester and now of NYC, I am an extremely loyal Buffalo Bills and Sabres fan since birth. I *used* to support the Yankees, but Mr. Buffalita has since showed me the err of my ways and has converted me (almost fully) to a Mets fan. Come on, you think I would have had Mr. Met at our wedding otherwise? Feel free to drop me a line at buffalitanyc@gmail.com for story requests, tips, or photos you'd like to share!

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