Hump Day Hottie: Jake Arrieta

Disguised by pie! He's a mystery HDH!

So when looking for today’s HDH, I had to scour my brain for someone new and different.  Then I remembered Jake Arrieta.  Jake was just recalled by the Orioles in the hopes of actually winning a few games.  And Jake won his MLB debut against the Yankees.   I couldn’t help but notice how hot Jake was, so now I’m sharing him with you.

I know the Orioles suck, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a trip with me to Birdland after the jump to see some more of Mr. Arrieta.

So now I can kill the HDH buzz…he’s married.  Seriously.  Why is every young, hot baseball player married?  It’s a crime, I tell ya!

1 thought on “Hump Day Hottie: Jake Arrieta

  1. I wouldn’t worry about the married thing. The divorce rate is hovering around 50% and it’s gotta be even higher for pretty people. Not that any of us would wish that on our favorite hotties, it’s just a fact.

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