For a college basketball fanatic as myself, there is really nothing worse than this time of year. The season is over. And for every team but stupid Kansas, it ended on a bad note. The worst part of all is the 3 or so weeks of “what if” that gets played. What if my favorite player declares early for the NBA draft? What if they all (everyone that is eligible, that is) come back and combine with our new players to create a super team that is sure to win the championship next year?! What if only some come back? What if they all leave? (Poor Memphis fans, I totally feel for you!) Then this week rolls around. The official deadline to declare for the NBA draft is April 27th, i.e. this Sunday. So today, Friday the 25th, seemed to be the day that most fans figured an announcement, if still pending, would be made. AND IT WAS!


Tyler Hansbrough. Winner of just about every Player of the Year award that is given. (There may have been others that he didn’t win, but I don’t know of any.) He of the 22.6 points and 10.2 rebounds. The possessor of beautiful, gigantic, bug-like, blue eyes. He returns to us, the Tar Heel faithful, so that we may worship at the altar of his awesomeness for another year!!! Thank you, Tyler. Thank you.

He has a basketball in his hands, yet his face is relaxed… Clearly something is wrong with him.

I am a huge proponent of college basketball players staying all 4 years. I get really mad at the whole one and done thing. If they’re going to go, let them go to the NBA right out of high school. If they’re going to go to college, STAY FOUR YEARS FOR ME!! And Tyler has chosen to stay for all 4 years, ostensibly, for ME! (Or so I like to think)

On another, less happy but not so bad, note: Wayne Ellington and Ty Lawson are testing the draft waters but not hiring agents, so they still have a chance to return to the fold. Come back to me! I love you!

9 thoughts on “He’s BAAAAAACK….

  1. Congrats to you – I’m glad someone’s team will be somewhat intact – this year is just ridiculous! And as a Memphis alum living in Kansas married to a Jayhawk, it’s getting unbearable around here! I don’t even want to think about next year – great recruits or no – we even lost like 4 assistant coaches too!! Argh!

  2. @ KC
    Yeah, man Memphis breaks my heart! Although I cant comment on Kansas, there is still much bitterness running through my veins… But mass exodus’ (exodi?) in general make me mad. STAY PUT PLEASE! Too bad UNC has 3 players “testing the waters” right now. Danny Green just signed on!! Like WTF, he wont even get drafted… Sigh, the new NBA will pay for pre-draft stuff rule has really screwed a lot of schools.

    @ Lauren
    A lot of people can’t. It’s because he’s so awesome.

  3. I’m just wondering if this website is going to explode after the “I crapped my pants” picture meets this post. And I’m totally indifferent about Ty-Ty except for the part of me still nursing a crush on David Padgett.

  4. @Rusty
    Nope, no explosion. Tyler is practically incapable of taking a normal picture with a basketball in his hands, hence my comment under the one of him dunking. When I found it I was like, “WTF he must be on quaaludes”. Plus, nobody has the same love of sports hotties. I heart Tyler and Dreamboat, and I know lots of people, Ladies… included who are not fans. And I love David Padgett as well. Damn that boy is good looking!

  5. The National Player of the Year who got outmuscled by a freshman off the bench of Kansas.

    *a still celebrating Kansas fan who grew up in a family that has always hated UNC basketball

  6. christina, I got confused about your comment and went back to the “crapped his pants” post, then realized you meant the picture here!

    And as for Padgett, two years ago I randomly realized he was hot, and I completely forgot about him until…the North Carolina game!

    Who’s dreamboat?

    Tho’ I *am* the UConn fan who finds Christian Laettner, at least the 1991 vintage, disturbingly gorgeous.

    Thabeet staying!

  7. dude is pretty much that good. made a believer out of me.

    as to why he’s staying? all i can think is extremely bad advice. go get your money, son, before you break a leg.

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