Hump Day Hottie: Vincent Lecavalier

Normally, Frenchys don’t rate very high on the hot scale– they’re just so… French. But I can make an exception for French-Canadians — especially hot, 6’4″ French-Canadian hockey players like Vincent Lecavalier.

Vinny (yep, his nickname is “Vinny”) was born and raised in a suburb outside Montreal, and then went on to attend high school way out in Saskatchewan- where he must have picked up a wicked French-Saskatchewan accent. He was drafted #1 overall out of high school at the age of 18 by the Tampa Bay Lightning, and was labeled as the “Michael Jordan of hockey” by TB’s owner (eat your heart out, LeBron). He was named captain of the team at the ripe age of 19, helped the Bolts score a Stanley Cup at the age of 24, and won the very prestigious Maurice ‘Rocket’ Richard Trophy as the NHL’s top goal scorer last year.

That hockey skills stuff is all well and good, but the coolest thing about Mr. Lecavalier is that he appeared in “Happy Gilmore” at the age of 15 (as a hockey player, of course). Maybe even cooler than that? Just a month ago he donated $3 million to a new children’s hospital in St. Pete, Florida, to help build a cancer pediatrics unit.

So, to recap: he’s hot, tall, talented, speaks French, most likely has a sexy accent, has a championship ring and donates large sums of money to help kids with cancer. I really need to watch more hockey.

See lots more of Vinny after the jump…

This entry was posted in heat on the ice, Hump Day Hottie, NHL, Texas Gal by Texas Gal. Bookmark the permalink.

About Texas Gal

Pitched four years for the Philadelphia Athletics, and then played shortstop for seven years for the Montreal Expos. Taught Rickey Henderson to steal a base. Taught Nolan Ryan to throw a punch. Taught Mickey Mantle to drink a beer. Threw one seven-hitter and seven no-hitters. Wonderboy was my creation, and first Jobu shrine was in my locker. Often called "the next Dustin Pedroia". Always wear high socks and eyeblack. Prefer to slide headfirst.

40 thoughts on “Hump Day Hottie: Vincent Lecavalier

  1. How did you manage to get so many pictures of him where he doesn’t look like a girl? That’s always been my problem with Vinny, sometimes he looks really hot and sometimes he looks like a girl.

  2. I didn’t really have that problem- I found some pictures of him looking dorky, but none of him looking girly. Mostly because he’s 6’4″, 220-225. He’s always towering over the other players.

  3. he’s very talented, but he’ also a whiner and takes bad penalties. notice that he wears an “A” not a “C” now.

  4. Um, yes. Hockey has quite a nice little treasure trove of hot men, you just have to be able to get Versus to see it.

    /lifelong hockey – and Brendan Shanahan – fan

  5. Becky, yes that is somewhat true, but you can find your local team on your local channel (which I’m sure you know). I have no problems finding FSN and MSG on my TV. For those who don’t get VS, watch your local sports channel! For the record, I get VS too. And it sucks anyway.

  6. Pam: I chalk the whiny up to him being French-Canadian. I have absolutely no factual evidence, but they just seem like a whiny lot.

    Also- who cares about the whiny when he looks like that.

  7. mmmmm Vincent Lecavalier. And he keeps getting hotter as he gets older (and less girly). I assume there’s a law of diminishing returns there eventually, but not so far.

  8. Vinny is cute. But if you want a good looking French hockey player….Patrice Bergeron is HOT. So damn sexy. Poor bastard has an owie right now, but he’ll be back. Hotter than ever.

  9. I used to live in Tampa and worked at a big cancer center there…he would stop by there every month to sign stuff and visit with patients, and seemed like a big sweetheart overall. And he’s certainly not bad looking;-)

  10. You missed a hidden treasure! I have to admit, I don’t find Vinny attractive in the least from the neck up, but this picture is just delicious. Too bad there’s a half-naked woman hiding some of the hotness.

    (Hmmm…HTML to link? If this doesn’t come out right, I apologize in advance!)

    Hot Vinny

  11. Yeah- I saw the SI Swimsuit picture, but since 95% of the picture was a half-naked model, and you couldn’t even really see Lecavalier’s face, I didn’t include it. I wish there were outtakes from that photo shoot!

  12. If I remember correctly the half naked model was his girlfriend at the time. I have no idea if they’re still together or not.

  13. Agree with Patty – Vinny is middle of the road when it comes to hockey players. The fact that he is so generous and so gifted makes him hotter than he should be.

    Thank for the hockey. If you want some suggestions for other hockey hotties, lemme know!

  14. Johan Hedberg / Atlanta Thrashers – recently named one of Atlanta’s 50 Most Beautiful People….
    Rick Nash / Columbus Blue Jackets
    Jason Spezza / Ottawa Senators
    Guillaume Latendresse / Montral Canadiens
    Eric Brewer / St. Louis Blues
    Henrik Zetterburg / Detroit Red Wings
    Most, if not all of the Carolina Hurricanes – specifically Cam Ward, Justin Williams, John Grahame, Ray Whitney…
    Most, if not all of the Vancouver Canucks – Taylor Pyatt, Ryan Kesler, Brendan Morrison…
    Most, if not all of the Edmonton Oilers – Jarret Stoll, Sheldon Souray, Dustin Penner, Raffi Torres….
    These are a few of my favorite things….
    The list goes on and on and on and on…..

  15. Hot damn! Love Vinny <3

    Also Cory Sarich- Calgary Flames… hes one to make my blood boil :)
    oh and of course Rick Nash!

  16. Hot is as hot does. He donates to charity.

    @Janalee-All I know is I’d rather see him with a female athlete, coach, or any girl in sports, not some useless horny gold digger who knows nothing about sports, like any other male athlete. I love male-female athlete/coach couples.

    On top of that he could pose for the next ESPN Magazine Body issue.

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