Hump Day Hottie: Sidney Ponson

The Royals gave me a very happy St. Patrick’s Day by signing Sir Sidney Ponson (yes, Sir! He was knighted in his native Aruba). They were impressed with his showing for the Netherlands in the World Baseball Classic, and might now be putting him in the KC Opening Day rotation.Yes, please.

Grrr, baby!

Grrr, baby!

LOTS more after the jump.

AHAHAHAHA, Ok, we’re just kidding. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you actually clicked through the jump. Sucka!! Happy April Fool’s Day.

But for real, let’s hit the hardwood for this week’s REAL Hump Day Hottie.

Just because Louisville got bounced from the NCAA tournament this weekend doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate the eye candy they displayed up until their loss to Michigan State. This is junior Earl Clark, who should go pretty high in the NBA draft – probably somewhere in the top 20.

And, he’s dreamy.

The Earl of Dunk. And Yum.

The Earl of Dunk. And Yum.

Lets play a game of read the tattoos!

Let's play a game of 'read the tattoos!'

But Minda! you say. I cant see his face!

"But Minda!" you say. "I can't see his face!"

OK, fine. You can look at the face too.

OK, fine. You can look at the face too.

Um yeah. Hes a lot better at basketball than I am. Ill just watch.

Um yeah. He's a lot better at basketball than I am. I'll just watch.

Oh, my. It looks like a video game cover. Gorgeous.

Oh, my. It looks like a video game cover. Gorgeous.

Look at them puppy eyes!

Look at them puppy eyes!

Happy hump day AND April Fool’s Day, for those of you who made it this far in the post. I’m sure a few people out there threw their computers out the window in confusion/terror/disgust after seeing who they thought the HDH was. Did you really think we were going to spend the day drooling over Ponson and his Performance Enhancing Cheeseburgers? Awww, hell no!

Don’t forget to send us your applications, or follow us on Twitter, or both!

12 thoughts on “Hump Day Hottie: Sidney Ponson

  1. Good one, Minda! I actually thought for a minute you were trying to be optimistic since Ponson usually pitches well in the first few months of the season.

    I hope Earl Clark makes it to the NBA. I want to see more of him.

  2. Ha. I am reading this in class and before I clicked the jump, my friend sitting next to me goes “Eww whose that”. HAHAHAHA. Nice work.

  3. Oh dear Lord. I am so glad that the hijinks have already started at work because, if not, I would have spewed my coffee all over the screen instead of chuckling to myself after swallowing. Well played…on both parts.

  4. Pingback: Entrails: April 1st, 2009 « The Arena

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