Stuffing The Box: Last Call for MLB Hotties

As the voting deadline for the MLB All-Star Game draws close (midnight tonight – so get to voting!), it is time for the Ladies… to make one final plea for votes for all the baseball hotties. Because if we had our way, we’d get an All-Star Hotties game, with two rosters full of nothing but the choicest beef in the major leagues. As it is, where these things are decided based on silly things like “talent” and “popularity”, we’ll just have to do what we can for womankind, and try and get as many hotties out there on the diamond for All-Star week as we possibly can.

I’ve done the dirty work, and put together a complete Hottie Ballot for you after the jump (where the picks are made PURELY based on who is the hottest), with two choices at each position– as it should be. Clare also gave you insightful commentary on who the contenders are. All you gotta do is GO HERE and vote, and help make the dream come true.

First up, the American League. I have to say 1B and C are loaded with all kinds of heat- so the choice will be tough there. I also want it known that my 3B picks should verify that choices were based on hottness- and not on any other redeeming qualities whatsoever, Mr. Smoosh-Face Kitty In A Baskget.

And now for the National League, which may be short on victories over the AL, but delivers in a big way with all kinds of hotties. Toughest position to narrow down by far will be OF- there are tons of worthy Hotties to be found there. Easiest pick? 2B. Is there any way Chutley won’t get the gig?

This entry was posted in All-Hot Team, All-Stars, MLB, single entendres, Texas Gal by Texas Gal. Bookmark the permalink.

About Texas Gal

Pitched four years for the Philadelphia Athletics, and then played shortstop for seven years for the Montreal Expos. Taught Rickey Henderson to steal a base. Taught Nolan Ryan to throw a punch. Taught Mickey Mantle to drink a beer. Threw one seven-hitter and seven no-hitters. Wonderboy was my creation, and first Jobu shrine was in my locker. Often called "the next Dustin Pedroia". Always wear high socks and eyeblack. Prefer to slide headfirst.

19 thoughts on “Stuffing The Box: Last Call for MLB Hotties

  1. Well, I did my part 50 times.

    Greg Dobbs can thank me for the 50 write-ins at third base he got from someone to whom he is neither related nor married.

  2. Texy – Promise me you’re not going to take that job after all so when I leave my job next month you and I can just travel the country leaving nothing but a trail of MS Paint images and photos of player’s asses.


    Pretty please?

  3. When I last saw Dellucci against the Phils last week, he required the aid of two grown men just to hobble off the field. This does not bode well for his hot ass making an All-Star appearance.

  4. I hate to say it, but I may have canceled out some of your votes. My tradition has always been to vote in the all Fat Guy team. I don’t think Dmitri Young could make it any other way. Though Prince Fielder has the goods.

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